Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Ishmael blog Topic 4

Many of us get to enjoy luxuries that primitive people did not get to have. This is because of the agricultural and technologically advanced world that was designed hundreds of thousands of years ago by our ancestors. Our life is much easier than primitive peoples, but living the way we do is destroying our competitors along with the world therefor the hunter-gathering lifestyle is better for the environment.
A good way life to live is living in harmony with the organisms and environment around us while having a healthy competitive relationship. Most people would define having a good life by having a lot of money. In our society today that is a good life just because you can afford anything you want and can do whatever you want, for the most part. Between primitive people and the current age the idea of a good life has drastically changed.
In our current generation we think that the ancestors were savages and unintelligent monkeys, and we think that the people of our era our technologically advances. Although we have technological and mental advances we live a life that is destroying the world. We don't want to go back to a life of hunting and gathering because humans have lived in the life of leisure and luxury for to long. So the next step for us to fix the damage we've done is difficult to determine.

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